Least thats what cynics think.
For business owners to be RELIEVED that you have a solution to present? This should be the case, but its not. In this article, Ill describe how we arrived at the current perception of marketers and how were going to fix it. Why People DONT Respect Marketers While the publics perception of marketers is largely unfair and unjustified, its still there for a reason. Here is why I think that marketers arent garnering the respect they deserve. Marketing is the MostTrackable and Therefore Damnable Activity Other than sales, marketing results are the most easily trackable components of a business.A business owner can look at a PL and see the difference between revenue Algeria WhatsApp Number and the advertising budget, and while they shouldnt, they will make decisions based on that number. Even with the changes to privacy and tracking, there are about a million reports that can be generated on all marketingrelated platforms, from Google Analytics to Facebook Ads to social media channel subscriberscommentslikesetc. With all this data, its easy for people to blame marketers for all sales results, even if the actual outcome is related to product design, customer service, pricing, and a ton of other operational concerns. Marketing is Complicated Unsurprisingly, most peoples idea of marketing comes from television, more specifically, the series Mad Men. A bunch of overconfident, chemicallyaddled manchildren coming up with tricky phrases to doop.
In reality, marketing is MUCH more complicated than that. The funny part is that Mad Men actually gives an excellent view into marketing, but its not obvious and only marketers will probably understand it. A key note in that regard is in the first episode when a new employee is walked through the agency and told that all the real money is made in the lowly and unassuming media buying department. Modern marketing is WAY more complicated than that though. Today, marketers have to deal with more competition than ever before, a constantly evolving set of legal, regulatory, and societal rules, and a changing and growing list of technologies, platforms, and media types some of which, like the Metaverse, havent even been embraced yet.