Feedback information has different situations such as important and urgent and the colors should be distinguished according to the different levels of prompt information red text background text etc The function description should not only contain text but should also combine pictures and text Some car function settings used to be explained through titles auxiliary text but now new forces are gradually using D scenes and D animation to directly demonstrate the functions which is easier to understand than text The contrast between performance in different states should not be small but should be
increased When selecting a strong point on the Brazil WhatsApp Number Data map the size difference between the selected strong point and other strong points needs to be wider to avoid being too weak to distinguish Prompt information not to be separated but to be integrated with the information Currently a lot of prompt information is displayed directly on the top of the page with a toast or a small yellow bar This means that after reading the prompt users need to look for the information that the prompt refers to based on the content of the prompt in order to understand who the prompt is for Therefore you can put the prompt and
the information referred to by the prompt together to make it easier to understand Container styles should not be different in size but should be unified The styles of container cards that carry information should be as unified as possible Do not have many styles to avoid making the whole look inconsistent the users visual focus from constantly shifting on the screen Finally there is the animation part Since there is no indepth understanding of the animation part I will not expand it The basic principle is that the animation response should be fast and smooth.