The last hours of the negotiations for Sánchez's investiture were frenetic. A message that Echenique did not read in time on WhatsApp, because he uses Telegram more, could have been key to reaching an agreement. El País takes a deep look at the messages exchanged between the PSOE and Podemos negotiators. Discover more stories on Business Insider Spain . It may have been the first coalition government of democracy. The first coalition between the left since the Second Republic. However, last week the fiasco materialized in which the socialist candidate Pedro Sánchez lost both votes in the investiture session.
Until now, no information had provided so much information on how these negotiations took place and how they broke down between the PSOE and Unidas Podemos. This El País chronicle focuses on several key moments. Read more: IU asks Podemos to accept an investiture of Sánchez without entering ministries and the PSOE closes in: there will be no Middle East Phone Number List coalition From the holding of the general elections on April 28 to the tense debate in the Congress of Deputies that ended with an insufficient majority for the PSOE to nominate its candidate, the article delves into what the disagreements with Pablo Iglesias were like. . Based on what the newspaper itself says, these are the main key moments between the negotiations between Sánchez and Pablo Iglesias.
The PSOE wins the elections and Unidas Podemos leaves 20 deputies Pedro Sánchez voting in the 2019 general elections. On April 28, new general elections will be held in Spain, the first after the motion of censure that brought the Socialist Party to power in the summer of last year. Pedro Sánchez is the undisputed winner in elections in which the PP has suffered a major electoral setback. The right has distributed its seats between PP, Ciudadanos —which is growing in the chamber— and Vox, which emerges with 24 parliamentarians. Unidas Podemos has also left 20 deputies behind. Its representatives do not have the absolute majority with the PSOE that would be necessary to invest Sánchez, an argument that would be key afterwards.