Products can be freed to expand the platform's service scope, from serving one business line to multiple business lines. In order to quickly copy the best practices of this business line to multiple lines, some practices must be standardized, which involves the construction of platform process specifications. specifications are the extraction of successful experience, and on the other hand, they are to improve the collaboration efficiency of platform-related roles in various scenarios. The author divides
he platform process specifications into five parts according to the Malaysia Phone Number Data business process stages: These process specifications need to be reviewed by the main leaders and architects of each department before they can be implemented. Otherwise, the internal production and research institutes will challenge the standards set by the platform, especially some of the standards are more stringent. When the platform side promotes all parties to solve daily problems according to process specifications, and after basically verifying the implementability and rationality of the process
specifications (in fact, it has to go through many revisions), it can be considered to solidify the process into the functional process of the platform, and The specifications are solidified as verification items of the platform, so that platform users will naturally abide by the process specifications. Normalized operation and governance of the platform Customer docking experience and efficiency The customer docking experience and docking cycle of the North Star indicator of the OpenAPI open platform. In the MVP version of the product, the statistical capabilities of these two indicators should be built.