Investigation of a new drug for Parkinson's Laboratory Laboratory It is the only Canarian center selected to test the effectiveness of a formula to stop the progression of the disease. Go to download The Parkinson's and Movement Disorders Unit of San Roque University Hospitals in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, led by Dr. José M. Arbelo González, has been selected to participate in the second phase of an international investigation into a new drug to delay progression. of Parkinson's. Together with the Nuclear Medicine Service, San Roque University Hospitals already participated in a previous phase of this research to verify the effectiveness of a biomarker for neuroimaging. In this second phase of the trial, HUSR has been the only Canarian center selected, along with 17 others nationwide, as well as hospitals in the US, Europe and India. The choice of the Parkinson's and Movement Disorders Unit of San Roque University Hospitals in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria lies in its high technology and the level of the multidisciplinary team at the service of this research: Neurology, Laboratory, Dermatology, Pharmacy, Nuclear Medicine, Radiology, as well as Nursing and Coordination.
In testing it is called ' SPARC CLR_18_06'. This second phase consists of determining whether the drug 'K0706' reduces the rate of progression in the early stages of Parkinson's disease, as well as its safety and tolerability. To do this, there will be a sample of more than 500 patients (in an initial stage of the disease) selected in all the hospitals participating in the research that will compare the results WhatsApp Number List between an active group that is administered different doses of the drug, versus another group to which a placebo is administered. The follow-up time will be 50 weeks. Avoid neuronal death Idiopathic Parkinson's disease is a progressive, degenerative process manifested by tremor, rigidity, bradykinesia, and postural change. Until now, science has not found a cure for this disease and treatment focuses on containing the symptoms. This research seeks to control the segregation of an enzyme (Abelson Tyrosine Kinase), of a neurotoxic protein (phosphorylated alpha-synuclein) as well as to avoid mitochondrial oxidative stress to avoid neuronal death.

The first results that have been known so far from this research are that the molecule is quite safe and well tolerated, however, we will have to wait for the study to end and all the results are obtained and its effectiveness demonstrated. To know the clinical efficacy and the reduction of the levels of this neurotoxic protein, a very rigorous follow-up is carried out, which includes analytical controls, neuroimaging, dermatological and neurological assessments,” explained Dr. Arbelo. Patient profile Dr. Arbelo explained that men and women over 50 years of age, with recently diagnosed Parkinson's disease, who have not started treatment for the disease, except for a medication known as MAOI-B, in addition to other selectivity criteria, can participate in this study. . “If the inclusion criteria are met and the subject wishes to participate voluntarily, it does not commit them to having to finish it if they do not wish to do so,” explained the doctor. Those patients who want to consult about their possible inclusion in the study can contact Dr. José Matías Arbelo at telephone 928 40 40 40 Extension 5150-5151, or through the email address: Jose. Arbelohospitalessanroque.