You may consider creating Shorts ( short videos ) first. But if the high-ranking positions for that topic are typically long-form videos or podcasts, will you hope your audience switches to the content format or will you ask for help creating a highly competitive content format? Step 6: Think of ideas for content Next, it's time to brainstorm ideas for your next content project. Here are some tools that can help you come up with many great ideas: 1. Buzzsumo Want to discover popular content and get more content ideas? opportunities to better engage with customers. Buzzsumo has features such as searching for the "hottest" content based on shares on websites or social networks and other indicators. It can also track the latest content from prominent publishers or journalists in the industry. Thanks to that, you will not miss the latest news and trends.
Buzzsumo Buzzsumo helps find out trending topics 2. Feedly Telegram Number Data Feedly is a great tool for tracking trending topics in your industry and finding content ideas. You can start by telling the software what topics you're interested in, and the AI tool will take care of the rest. You won't need to scour the internet for new content ideas. Instead, you can look through a filtered list of topics you're interested in compiled from news sites, email newsletters, and social media. feedly Feedly provides interesting industry topics 3. Blog Ideas Generator You can get blogging ideas all year long with the Blog Ideas Generator from HubSpot. All you need to do is enter the topics or terms you want to write about and the tool will do the rest. Blog Ideas Generator will analyze titles and heading tags, and provide feedback on length, word choice, grammar and keyword search volume.

If you have an idea in mind, play around with a few titles to see how you can make it stronger during the brainstorming process. Blog Ideas Generator Hubspot Blog Ideas Generator gives you great content ideas Rate the ideas The ideation process should not be limited by anything. It can be quite tempting to suddenly get an idea and start creating content right then and there. Also, try coming up with even the craziest ideas and see where they lead you. Divide ideas into groups and organize them around a goal, a topic, or a target customer group.