Greeting. Send it in an email [shocking, I know] Use this Birchbox email from Customer Appreciation Day (which occurs on the third Thursday of January, April, July, and October) as inspiration. Today we’re celebrating YOU. It’s Valentine’s Day! Here’s a little somethin’ to say thank you (for being the awesomest.) Every order ships free Let’s Party. valentine's day customer appreciation email example - birchbox Image source -Embraces the love? Check. -Uses conversational copy? Check. -Short and sweet? Check.
Put it in a social media post A social media post is a little less personalized Belize WhatsApp Number than an email, but you can still be thoughtful with it, making it a good option if you’re pressed for time. You can get creative with it (how to use Canva here!). Thank you for being such awesome customers. We heart you! We wouldn’t be where we are without you. Happy Valentine’s Day! valentine's day customer message example on instagram An offer or freebie is not expected in a pos.

Like this, especially since it will reach such a wide audience. Plus, you’re not asking recipients to open an email and read it. They can just stumble upon in their regular activity. Here, you can take more of the community approach, making your customers and followers feel a part of a bigger family. You can find more February and Valentine’s Day social media ideas here. Send a direct message Or, take the DM route, which provides the personalization of email and the convenience of social media. Just about every social.